Friday, March 20, 2020

The struggles of the Corona lockdown

So as you know from my last blog the issues us highschoolers are facing due to the Coronavirus, globally.  But it also is affecting us locally. My group members and I still have a lot of filming, editing, re-filming, and re-editing to do. Getting this done has become extremely hard due to this virus. The idea of self-quarantine and social distancing has been overly stressed to everyone. We have been told that going out should be done only if seriously needed. A lot of parents are not letting their children go to their friends' houses, or letting their friends come over to their own house. I and my groupmates parents fall into that category. My group member Jahzenyahs mom will not let her hang out with anyone regardless of the location. My mom is only letting family come over. And there is no hanging out with friends. As for Derek, I am not sure, but he cannot do this project on his own so as of now it is not getting done. This lockdown has put a huge dent in our project. Getting it done will be extremely hard. Depending on how long until this issue last it may not get done by the due date.  In that case, we as students would be very frustrated because we have put in a lot of hard work and we would hate to see it all go down the drain due to a virus. Our Cambridge diploma has taken a lot of hard work and this issue could easily mess up our chances of getting it. If the due date was postponed it may make this situation easier. No matter what we are doing the best we can in this time of conflict. All we can do is hope for the best outcome.

The picture above is a picture of the research I have been doing on Cambridge Aice exam updates.

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