Thursday, March 5, 2020

Peer Review

    So, unfortunately, I was not able to do the peer review another group's first draft of their project, nor was anyone able to review my groups. This is the case for many reasons. To start I was confused with the dates for when everything took place. I was under the impression that we would be doing the peer review on March 5th because I had wrote that done, but I am now realizing that was just for the blog. I clearly was not thinking because I did not even have this class on March 5th, but the reason, why I was confused with the school schedule this week, will be explained later on. So when I made the decision to stay home I did not think I would be missing the peer review. The reason I decided to miss school was that for the past few weeks, I have been in and out of being extremely under the weather. I tend to have symptoms of sickness come and go randomly. Because of this, my school attendance has suffered. So the day that our class was peer-reviewing I stayed home with a migraine and sore throat. Not only is this situation complicated due to my absences and sickness, but it is also because this week we had our SAT and an early release. So the schedule has been very hectic and I still haven't gotten the chance to speak with my teacher about how to make up this peer review. This was also the reason why I was confused on which days I had this class. My plan, for now, is to continue to edit and critique things I find that need to be critiqued. This is because there is always room for improvement. I have found that if I continue to go back and watch the draft of our final project every day I will find new things I can fix. That way it can be in it's best shape by the time I show it to another group. I finally have AICE Media tomorrow so I plan on going to my teacher immediately to discuss with her what I can do.  I also have talked with my group members, but I was slightly confused on their end. Although there, the did not peer review other group's work. So I was not able to even know how the peer review took place or anything about it.

Above is a picture of just some absences due to being sick over these last few weeks.

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