Thursday, February 27, 2020

Editing Blog: Sorting out the takes

    Today I started the editing process. I have all the editing tools at my house, so at times I just end up editing myself. Which I don't mind. Some days we as a group will work together.  Today I just started by doing simple things. First I put all our footage that we have filmed so far onto my media. Then I had to sort out many of the takes. Like I said in the last blog our group member Derek is not an amazing actor so we took many takes. So when it came to sorting out the takes it took a lot more effort than you might think. I had to watch each individual take. First, I deleted all of the bloopers. I then narrowed it down to all of the clips that could possibly work. I didn't narrow it down based on what I liked either. I narrowed it down to clips that could work in general that way my group members and I can see which clips we like best together. Now, when it comes time to actually put all the clips together we will have options to choose from. After all the sorting of takes, I imported them to "my media". After doing this I decided to stop. Thankfully we have all recovered from the flu situation and have finally got back on track. Now tomorrow in class we will start doing some more serious editing as a group. We plan to get a lot of editing done in class tomorrow that way when we film the rest of our footage we can start editing on that.

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