Monday, February 24, 2020

Filming Blog: The day of Many Retakes

Today, we finally were able to film. We did have one bump in the road, but it was easily solved. As I have shared in previous blogs I have my own camera so we never have to check one out. Unfortunately, that causes us to forget that we still have to check out a tri-pod. So towards the end of the school day, I realized we forgot the tripod. We thought this would be ok and that we would just be able to go to our teacher once the bell rang and pick up a tripod, but she wasn't there. I then decided just to go buy one from our local Walmart because I had always wanted one for the camera anyway. We thought this might've cut time, but it did not. We ended up having a very productive day.  As the director, I was mainly just filming and figuring out how to make the scene look its best. I would do that by trying out different ways to film the scene and by telling my group member Derek (Main Character) how to act and what to say. Derek was our only reliable actor, but he is not that experienced so it took many... many takes to get the best scene we could. We now have many scenes to look over and many scenes to delete! Overall though, I would say that today was a very efficient day of filming. We got all the scenes done needed for today. This sets us up perfectly for the next time we meet to film. Our goal is to finish filming the next time we meet. We plan to meet one day this weekend. Our goal is to meet earlier in the day so we can knock out all remaining scenes on that day. We are doing this because we want to have as much time to edit and reshoot if needed.

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