Monday, March 9, 2020

Peer Review and Reshoot Planning

    So you may remember me discussing in my last blog how I missed the peer review due to absence, sickness, and confusion. I then discussed how when I got to class the next day that I would speak with my teacher, which I did. When speaking to her I explained the same situation that I did to the blog. I told her that I was not here due to being confused with dates, and sick. I told her I made sure to still blog about this situation. She told me I did exactly what I should've done and that I am on track. I then asked her if there was any way to make up the review. To which she then explained that the peer review was not an assignment for her or Cambridge, rather something to help my group. She told me that if I wanted I could go find the group meant to peer review my group's project or ask a friend/family member, but it was not required. I decided that it was important to have someone else eyes watch and critique our project. So I showed my stepdad and sister the draft. They gave some good feedback that I will for sure use. The feedback is hard to understand unless you have watched the video, but basically, they expressed confusion of shots and lack of skill in acting. I'm not yet sure what feedback my other group members received,  but based on mine, I definitely think some reshooting needs to take place.  So I have started to talk with one of my group members, Jahzenyah, to plan days we can meet up, but not Derek. So she and I decided to discuss it all together in class tomorrow. Tomorrow in class we will first discuss critiques given to each other by family members. We will then discuss what needs to be changed/added. Lastly, we will discuss and schedule the days we will reshoot along with the days we will finish. I am not sure yet if we are on track with filming and getting this project done. That will be determined tomorrow when we discuss what I stated above.

In this picture above you see me stepdad discussing some acting issues with the main character.

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