Thursday, March 19, 2020

WHAT is going on?!

So as you might know the world is having a huge global issue. This issue is the coronavirus.  Unfortunately, this virus is greatly affecting many of highschooler's school lives in the U.S in many negative ways. It started off as a minor issue. Not even slight worry came over us highschoolers, up until about two weeks ago. Then the havoc started. Teachers were warning us that school may be canceled. Kids were coming to school in gloves and masks, or they just weren't coming at all.  And now our school is canceled until, as of right now, April 15th. All school activities have been canceled and online work has begun. But you have to realize the timing of this all that makes it so much worse.  School got canceled right around the end of our 3rd quarter meaning we were not able to finish up our quarter. End of the year exams, including our Aice exams, is right around the corner and now this issue has caused our standardized state testing to be canceled and has caused a huge push back in preparing for our Aice exams which are very important for a lot of juniors. Us juniors were in the middle of SAT time. We were getting our college/graduation requirements done around this time. The news has been keeping us updated, but all it does is just make us more stressed. We now have the option of retaking the school year. We also have been hearing that all grades this school year no longer count. This is a  HUGE deal. And on top of all the information on the school, we have to also remain safe from this virus. Our spring break is ruined. The beach is closed.  Soon I believe almost everything will be and we must stay inside. We are in a huge part of history right now.

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