Friday, January 17, 2020

Final task!

    Hi, I am Jada. I am a creative and outgoing person. One thing about me is that although I can be outgoing I like to stay behind the scenes. As I said in my first introduction I am an overthinker and a perfectionist at times. Due to these traits, I like to have thought out work and perfected work. My role in the group is to film and edit. It is almost like I am the director of our films.  I like to see the finished result and the hard work that I did as a director. Obviously, I receive help from groupmates Derrick and Jahzenyah, but I am the main person to film and edit. Just like Jahzenyah is the main person to act in the film and Derrick helps wherever needed.
    One thing about me that has changed over the past 5 months of school is I developed a love for film. I was always into creative arts, but this class helped me to realize I have a passion for it. Now it is time to do our final assignment and I am excited. I think this project is going to be the best one yet. Over the course of this class, I realized the skills I never knew I had when it came to filming and editing. The best part is I have only been growing and becoming better at filming and editing. I take this class and the film projects very seriously. I try to do my best work every time. The best part is that although I work really hard and put so much thought into these projects it doesn't feel like work, it feels fun and worth it. I can possibly see myself pursuing this in college, so this class was one of the best choices I made this junior year.

    A pitch is a Hollywood term to describe an idea where a film is encapsulated in 25 words or less. Usually with one sentence. Our first pitch is a Sci-Fi movie. Boy wakes up feeling out of place and starts to question his reality. Realizing he's in a simulation he works to find his way out. The second pitch is a Romance movie. Girl held captive falls in love with her kidnapper. She knows it's strange, but she can't help it. Will she choose freedom or love? The third pitch is a Coming of Age movie. Friend group of five finally graduates highschool, but what's next? Where will their paths take them? Will they remain the friend group they've always been?

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